tag: marriage (9)



soap operas
113 x 60'Venezuela · · SD

In a grand hacienda, near a coastal region, springs a story of love that is as willful and strong as its heroes... a story that begins with a challenge between two indomitable lovers and concludes with a love that defies the limits of greed, envy, and treachery.

Director Martin Hahn
Cast Claudia Venturini, Henry Soto, Mimi Lazo, Roberto Moll
Language Spanish
Format Rights Available
Territories Europe · Africa · Middle East
Calle Mayor

Calle Mayor

99'Spain · · SD

The residents of a little village live trapped in their traditions and customs. In this village lives a woman called Isabel and she has 35 years old. Isabel feels miserable because she hasn’t get yet a husband to marry her. Juan is a young guy of the village and with his group of friends have fun making jokes to pepople. One day they decide to make Isabel think that Juan is in love with her and wants to marry her.

Director Juan Antonio Bardem
Cast Betsy Blair, José Suarez
Language Spanish
Territories Europe · Latin America US Hispanic · Africa · Middle East


257 x 60'Venezuela · · SD

Abigail, an exceptionally beautiful schoolgirl, vents her mischievousness on her professors and nuns, causing continual distractions. Her conduct is a reflection of a discontented life: Her mother died and her father, wealthy and flirtatious, has time only for business.

One of Abigail's desires is to capture the affections of her literature professor, Carlos Alfredo Ruiz, an intelligent young man but beneath Abigail's social class. Abigail's rival for Carlos Alfredo's love is Maria Clara Martinez.

Director Inés Rodena & Mariana Luján
Cast Catherine Fullop, Fernando Carrillo
Language Spanish/Italian/Portuguese
Format Rights Available
Territories Europe · Africa · Middle East