Europe x

tag: fidelity (7)

Mujer secreta

Mujer secreta

soap operas
125 x 60'Venezuela · · SD

Inside these pages I feel safe with my thoughts. But out there in the world, I am raw. My husband Gustavo’s violence is a reflection of his painful insecurities, and I am vulnerable because I am the gentle lamb and he is the wolf. I know that the harsh hand of his mother Carlota has carved his destiny, and José Manuel’s ruinous ambitions only make things worse. When I can bear the pain no more, rescue comes to me, but my savior becomes my jailer. Escape is an agonizing dilemma.

Director Alidha Avila
Cast Carolina Tejera, Juan Carlos Vivas
Language Spanish/English (Short version- 40eps)
Format Rights Available
Territories Europe · Africa · Middle East