tag: apartment (1)

La fiesta

La fiesta

115'Spain · · SD

Three young people share an apartment in Madrid: Javi and Chemita (friends since childhood) and Moon (the cousin of Chemita). They decide to organize a party at weekend and immediately Moon's boyfriend, Carmelo, joints to the idea and also Tripi, the last roommate of the apartment. During that weekend they will have plenty of unexpected situations that will change everything, including the relationships between each other. Three days full of troubles and madness that unexpectedly will take some sense to their lives.

Director Manuel Sanabria, Carlos Villaverde
Cast Raúl Prieto, César Camino, Canco Rodríguez, Norma Ruíz, David García Palencia, Alexandra Jiménez
Language Spanish
Format Rights Available
Territories Europe · Latin America US Hispanic · Africa · Middle East