Africa x

tag: women (7)

Unfaithful love

Unfaithful love

soap operas
116 x 60'Venezuela · · SD

At a tropical and seductive island, new relationships will blossom, as some marriages are put to the test. At the center of this tempest is Saioa, an agency's creative director, who must struggle to choose between her career, her family and her heart. Saioa is a beautiful and successful woman who is reunited with her hometown just when her agency is hired to create a tourism campaign for this lush and beautiful island.

Director Xiomara Moreno
Cast Marjorie De Sousa,Juan Pablo Raba, Marlene De Andrade Verónica Schneider, Hugo Vásquez, Christina DieckmanCarlos Guillermo Haydón
Language Spanish
Format Rights Available
Territories Europe · Africa · Middle East